Sunday, January 8, 2012

On to a New Year

Happy New Year! It's that time a year to start fresh and begin a new chapter in your life. Instead of making new years resolutions that will probably be broken in a few weeks I decided to instead make some goals for myself to accomplish this year. Hopefully I can stick to these goals and make 2012 the best it can be!
First, I would love to fill 2012 with better eating habits, and a healthier overall lifestyle. I did an ok job of that in 2011, but it's definitely something I struggle with and could always improve on. And dating a runner has kind of inspired me to get up off the couch, put down the pizza and start making some better health choices.  

Be braver in my fashion choices and not afraid to shine. I love fashion, but sometimes am too afraid to take risks and wear something that is fashion forward and a little flashy. My friends are laughing right now since they think I always take risks...but I do often  reserve myself.

Experiment with my cooking and making more fun and creative foods, while also improving on my baking.  I got some awesome Christmas gifts... a stockpot and cake decorating tools. (so EXCITED to use both!) They will for sure be very useful for this goal.

I also want to spend more time with the people who I care about and love and make my relationships stronger. Life is short and I want to make the most of it and spend as much time as possible with them. Especially the new relationship that developed in 2011. He is so incredible and kind, and I'm so excited to spend this year with him!

And hopefully in addition to all this I can find time to get away and get some R&R on a beachy vacation!! With a new promotion and lots of work I know 2012 will be a little more stressful.

Wear to go from here... I don't know where to start. Do I hit the kitchen or the gym, maybe the grocery store or the mall. So man options... go thing I have 357 days left!

**Also bloggin more and not taking month long hiatis is also a secondary goal!

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